Sneaky Thief Xiao Ji works

Chapter 3087: Great Refinement of Sacred Soils


" Xia Donghao's fists are tightly clenched, glaring at Shen Xiang angrily."I just came out of seclusion! What's your business" Du Yanyao replied coldly, then looking at Shen Xiang with a kinder and wa...Chapter 3087: Great Smith Soil

Crimson Lotus, in the Wen family, also learned about the events within the Ten Thousand Dao Grove. There were numerous powerful ancient humans appearing in the Grove, which erupted into intense battles, creating a significant commotion that could be seen from outside the Grove.

"You know about the Heaven Path Mansion" Shen Xiang thought for a moment and realized that the Cai Family was quite concerned about the Heaven Path Mansion.

"Several dominant families had met to discuss the situation inside the Immortal's Grove... The Haier family knew the most about it, so this time, the dominant families are following the Haier family's lead. I'm not entirely sure about the specifics, but I only know that there are many powerful entities inside and they're fighting each other," said Mu Rong Honglian.

"I was even worried that something might happen to you inside!"

Sen Xiang smiled and said, "I wouldn't easily be in trouble… By the way, how's your Cen family now"

He had previously agreed with Lady Junloran that she would return to the Jun family within ten years to save his master. It was only about two years later, so Lady Junloran wasn't in a rush and didn't mention it. She was only worried about Shenxiang's safety inside the Ten-Thousand Dao Grove.

"The Cumpo family remains unchanged. They noticed that I often stay at the Cumpo household, so they urged me to bring you back to them within twenty years. They want the proud and world-defying Dragon Supreme以及Ten thousand道 Treasure from your possession," said Cumpo Hong蓮.

"So, you're not in a hurry about your master's matter either I'm still unprepared, so perhaps we can wait a few more years," Shen Xiang said.

Well, if it's alright, just let me know. I'll be living outside the Luomy Family's forest. There are also frequent patrols by members of the Luomy Family here, making it relatively safe. This way, you can frequently reach out to me.

Previously, Shen Xiang had planned to cultivate the Majestic Heaven Body and then go to the Cai home with Hong蓮. But now, he had other plans. He actually admitted that he was not fully prepared at this moment.

"OK, I will contact you when the time comes."

Shen Xiang收起了 the Six Paths Divine Mirror and then took out a small piece of Ten-thousand Paths Divine Soil.




She stopped struggling and said to the young man, "You won. Now I am willing to go with you."

He had previously obtained pieces of the Ten-Thousand Dao Soil from within this Ten-Thousand Dao Forest. He had received it from the Purple Robed Servants of the Ha family, but while the Ha family didn't know that he had taken them away, they did know that their Purple Robed Servants found the Ten-Thousand Dao Soil. Thinking about this, all the people from the Ha family were furious.

Men Chen was surprised when he saw Shen Xiang take out the Ten Thousand Dao Divine Soil, asking, "You actually still have some of this Divine Soil. Where did you get it from"

Sen Xiang smiled and said, "Found it within this Ten-thousand Dao Forest. It was hidden inside a rock. Those ancient beasts do battle there often, I wonder if they ever found anything within those rocks."

Chen Cai shook his head and sighed, "Those barbarians wouldn't recognize such a precious item. They would only ruin it in their possession. Although this small piece of Ten Thousand Dao Divine Soil might seem little, it can be used to forge powerful weapons."

Sen Xiang noticed that Chen Cai was somewhat skilled in refining weapons using the Ten-thousand Path Divine Soil, which he thought was better than Feng Ker's technique. That's why he intentionally took it out.

"Could something be forged as powerful as that needle" Shen Xiang was envious of Feng Keer's golden needle. However, he wanted something bigger first—a sword-sized one would be ideal. This would help him easily penetrate opponents' defenses during battles.

The Golden Thorns of Feng Ke'er are not only sharp, but also capable of easily penetrating various energy shields. They excelled in piercing defenses, albeit being a little too small.

Shen Xiang asked Feng Keer to take out the golden needle, but she didn't give it to Chen Cai. This was her treasure, precious and priceless. Now, she still didn't fully trust Chen Cai.

"What a marvelous thing!" Chen Cai吸了口氣, admiration on his face as he exclaimed.

"Good eyesight." Feng Kero couldn't recognize it when he showed Chen Xiang the needle initially. It wasn't until his divine tool was pierced by this needle that he realized how powerful the golden needle was.

"A goatee, can you make that sword as effective as this needle" Feng Ke'er asked.

"It might be difficult to match, but getting close to this needle shouldn't be a problem. It's just that... I don't have enough materials," Chén Cái felt somewhat regretful. "This needle is terrifying. One could say that it can break through anything, and to forge a sword into such a state would require not only materials but also quite some time."

"I know about that. What materials do you need"

In combat, when the strengths are on par, if your opponent forms a robust defensive shield with Divine Dominance Power, then it becomes very difficult to break.

"A myriad divine lands would be enough, but you have too little in your possession."

Chen Cai stroked his beard and shook his head. "A significant amount of myriad divine lands is required, at least a hundred times more than what you have."

"If there were any, how long would it take you to refine them" Shen Xiang asked again.

Human和獸人之間的戰爭已經開始,但似乎冇有明顯的勝利者。請根據這個場景概述接下來可能發生的情況。在這場戰爭中,人類和獸人之間的力量對比處於微妙的平衡。儘管他們各具優勢和劣勢,在某些戰鬥中取得了勝利,但戰爭似乎冇有朝著任何一方明確的方向發展。雙方都展現出了堅韌和決心,他們的戰鬥不僅僅是為了生存,也是為了證明自己種族的力量。在這混亂的戰爭中,以下可能發生的情況概述了未來可能的情境:1. **資源爭奪戰:** 為了維持戰爭,兩方開始更加激烈地爭奪周圍可用的資源。這可能導致更多衝突和侵略行為,在某些情況下甚至會引發周邊未捲入戰爭的種族或勢力的介入,試圖保護自身的資源免受衝突影響。2. **戰術創新:** 在冇有出現明顯的轉折點時,雙方都開始尋求新的策略和戰術以打破僵局。人類可能發展出更先進的武器或軍事技術,而獸人們則可能會利用他們的自然優勢和對環境的適應能力來創造新的戰鬥策略。這種創新有可能帶來戰術上的突破,但同時也可能導致對自然環境的更大破壞。3. **外交嘗試:** 隨著戰爭持續進行,雙方開始意識到單一戰鬥無法決定最終勝敗。人類和獸人們可能會嘗試尋找和平談判的機會,尋求通過外交途徑結束戰爭的可能性。這可能涉及代表雙方的使者進行秘密會談、交換和平提議等,雖然談判過程充滿挑戰,但可能為戰爭的結束鋪平道路。4. **聯盟形成:** 在某些情況下,這場戰爭可能會促使人類和獸人間暫時或永久地結成聯盟。他們可能認識到共同的敵人(比如其他種族或外部勢力)所帶來的威脅,使得聯合起來對他們的生存和繁榮至關重要。這種聯盟可能會在戰爭期間為他們提供額外的力量,但也帶來內部權力平衡和領導權衝突的挑戰。5. **戰爭疲勞與反思:** 長期的衝突會導致雙方人民產生戰爭疲勞和對戰爭目的的懷疑。在某些關鍵時刻,戰爭中的英雄或領袖可能會發起呼籲,尋求結束無謂的流血和破壞。這種情感上的轉變可能促使更多人蔘與和平運動,推動戰爭向結束階段發展。隨著這場戰爭的持續和未來的不確定性,上述情況中的任何一個或多個都可能是後續發展的可能途徑。最終結局將取決於雙方的決策、戰爭策略和對外部力量的影響,以及他們對和平與合作的願望。

"Perhaps around a hundred years!" Chen Cai said, also wanting to refine such powerful items, but he just didn't have the materials.

"I can gather the materials, can you guarantee success" Before, Shen Xiang tried to refine Ten-thousand Godsoil with Feng Kerou using the derivative method, and was able to derive a small amount.

Human and animal bones can be used as raw materials for casting. These are used to cast a human form, but the result can be unpredictable. Some of them may end up looking like animals or even monsters. They might not look realistic and might be hard to tell apart from actual items of that kind.If there's a way to improve the casting process, I think using bones might work better than stone. Bones have a natural shape that can be more easily adapted for casting, while stones are often irregular and harder to manipulate.Using bones as raw materials can create unique and sometimes surprising results, but the key is in refining them to achieve a desired outcome. It's like trying to sculpt something out of clay, but the clay is replaced with bones and you don't know exactly how it will turn out until you've finished shaping it.

Now, if he wants to gather enough materials, it would take him a long time to refine them. He thinks that if he combines this with his Realm of Time, it could significantly reduce the time required.

"You really can get it" Chen Cai couldn't believe it. That was the Ten Thousand Dao Sacred Soil, after all. Although he didn't need much of it, getting his hands on some was still quite difficult.

Sen Xiang weighed the tiny piece of Divine Soil in his hand. Although it was small, it weighed a catty. If multiplied by one hundred, it would be one hundred catties. This was indeed quite challenging.

"Really!" Shen Xiang gave a slight smile, exuding great confidence.

"Alright, if you can get all that Heaven-soil, I'll be willing to help you refine it. Furthermore, I can add some of the materials I've collected to make your sword stronger," Chén Cái did not know why, but he actually trusted Shen Qi at once.

"Thank you very much!" Chen Xiang smiled.

"I'll go out first. My materials are kept elsewhere... Alright, I plan to borrow some from those savage orcs."

Shen Xiang looked at the tiny piece of Immortal Soil in his hand and said, "With my current strength, combining the techniques of Derivation and Collision should allow me to refine at least a catty each time. One hundred times would be enough."

When he was refining the Ten Thousand Pathsoil last time, he only used the Derived Method. Back then, his strength wasn't enough and he dared not use the Buffet Method. But now, both him and Feng Ke'er have cultivated the Sovereign Body!

"Definitely possible!" Feng Kuer was also eager, a powerful divine weapon would soon be born.見江思景,她對沈翔也做了一些調查,隻查到沈翔與這對雙胞胎姐妹關係很好的。翻譯成HTML代碼如下:```html“對了,思美和思景是雙胞胎姐妹,思景好像也和你在一起吧?”鳳如雪上次來就冇看見江思景,她對沈翔也做了一些調查,隻查到沈翔與這對雙胞胎姐妹關係很好的。```"She is in charge of cultivating medicinal herbs, so she's quite bus...